Dinosaur Location
Dinosaur Infos

All Dinosaures (181)
Name Second Name Meaning Diet Length Height Weight Era Images Delete
Albertosaurus 🇨🇦 AL=BERT-OH-SAW-RUS Alberta lizard Carnivore 🥩 9m 4m 1-2 tonnes Late cretaceous ...
Allosaurus 🇺🇸 🇩🇪 🇦🇺 AL-LOW-SAW-RUS Different lizard Carnivore 🥩 10m 5m 2 tonnes Late Jurassic Pe...
Ampelosaurus AM-PEL-OH-SAW-RUS Vine Lizard Herbivore 🌱 15m 7m 8 Ton Late Cretaceous ...
Amurosaurus 🇷🇺🇨🇳 AM-HER-OH-SAW-RUS Amur lizard Herbivore 🌱 8m 2.5m 3 tonnes Late Cretaceous ...
Anhanguera 🇧🇷 ANN-HANG-WER-AH Old devil Piscivore 🐠 5m wingspan 1m 90kg Late Cretaceous ...
Anurognathus 🇩🇪 AN-NUROG-NA-THUS Without tail Piscivore 🐠 10cm 0.3m 40g Late Jurassic Pe...
Archaeopteryx 🇩🇪 ARK-AE-OP-TER-RIX Ancient wing (feather... Carnivore 🥩 0.5m 0.2m 1kg Late Jurassic Pe...
Arctotherium 🇺🇸 ARC-TOE-THEE-REE-U... Bear beast Omnivore 🥩 🌱 2m 3-4.5m 1-2 tonnes Pleistocene epoc...
Argentinosaurus 🇦🇷 AH-GEN-TEEN-OH-SAW... Argentine lizard Herbivore 🌱 37m 20m 50-60 tonnw Late cretaceous ...
Armargasaurus 🇦🇷 AH-MAR-GA-SAW-RUSS Armarga (bitter) liza... Herbivore 🌱 9-10m 3m 2-3 tonnes Early Cretaceous...
Australovenator 🇦🇺 OS-TRA-LO-VEN-AH-T... Southern hunter Carnivore 🥩 5m 2m 1 Ton Late Cretaceous ...
Bajadasaurus 🇦🇷 BAA--JADA-SAW-RUS Downhill Lizard Herbivore 🌱 10m 4m 3 Ton Early Cretaceous...
Bambiraptor 🇺🇸 BAM-BEE-RAP-TOR Baby raptor Carnivore 🥩 1m 0.5m 3-4kg Late cretaceous ...
Barbardactylus 🇲🇦 BARB-AH-DAK-TIL-US Barbary finger Piscivore 🐠 4m wingspan 2m 4kg Late cretaceous ...
Barosaurus 🇺🇸 BAH-ROW-SAW-RUS Heavy lizard Herbivore 🌱 25-27m 12m 20 tonnes Late Jurassic pe...
Baryonyx 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🇪🇸 BA-REE-ON-ICKS Heavy Claw Carnivore 🥩 🐠 7-10m 2-3m 1.2 tonnes Early Cretaceous...
Basilosaurus 🇪🇬 BAS-ILL-OH-SAW-RUS King lizard Carnivore 🥩 18m 3m 15 tonnes Eocene
Blikanasaurus 🇿🇦 BLIK-AN-AH-SAW-RUS Lizard from Blikana Herbivore 🌱 4-5m 2m 350-450kg Late Triassic pe...
Brachiosaurus 🇺🇸 BRA-KEE-OH-SAW-RUS Arm lizard Herbivore 🌱 23m 12-15m 30 tonnes Late Jurassic Pe...
Carcharodontosaurus 🇲🇦 🇿🇦 CAR-CAR-ROW-DON-TO... Shark tooth lizard Carnivore 🥩 13m 4m 8-15 tonnes Late Cretaceous ...
Carnotaurus 🇦🇷 CAR-NO-TOR-RUSS Meat eating bull Carnivore 🥩 7-8m 3m 1-2 tonnes Late Cretaceous ...
Caudipteryx 🇨🇳 KAW-dip-teh-riks Tail Feather omnivore 🥩 🌱 1m 0.5m 2kg Early Cretaceous...
Ceratosaurus 🇺🇸 SER-RAT-OH-SAW-RUS Horn lizard Carnivore 🥩 6-8m 2.5m 1 Ton Late Jurassic Pe...
Chialingosaurus CHI-LIN-OH-SAW-RUS Chialing Lizard Herbivore 🌱 4m 2m 300kg Late Jurassic pe...
Chicken 🌏 CHICK-EN Chicken Omnivore 🥩🌱 0.4 0.2m 2-4kg Present
Chilotherium 🇷🇺 CHI-LOW-THEE-REE-U... Chilo beast Herbivore 🌱 3m 1.5m 1-2 tons Miocene through ...
Coelophysis 🇺🇸 🇿🇦 SEAL-OH-FI-SIS Hollow form Carnivore 🥩 2m 1.2m 15-20kg Late Triassic pe...
Compsognathus 🇩🇪 COMP-SOG-NATH-US Elegant jaw Carnivore 🥩 2 - 3ft 0.3m 5kg Late Jurassic Pe...
Crossvallia 🇦🇶 CROSS-VAL-EE-AH Unknown Piscivore 🐟 1m 1.6m 70-8-kg Cretaceous and P...
Cryolophosaurus 🇦🇶 CRY-OH-LOF-OH-SAW-... Cold crested lizard Carnivore 🥩 6m 2m 400 - 500kg Early Jurassic P...
Daspletosaurus 🇺🇸 DAS-PLETE-OH-SAW-R... Frightful lizard Carnivore 🥩 8m 3m 1.5-4 tonnes Late cretaceous ...
Deinocheirus 🇲🇳 DY-NO-KY-RES Terrible Hand Omnivore 🥩 🌱 11m 3 - 4.5m 6.5 Tons Late Cretaceous ...
Deinonychus 🇺🇸 DY-NO-NIKE-US Terrible claw Carnivore 🥩 3m 1.2m 75-100kg Early Cretaceous...
Deinotherium 🇿🇦 🇪🇺 🇮🇳 DY-NO-THEE-REE-UM Terrible beast Herbivore 🌱 6m 4m 8-11 tonnes Early Miocene to...
Diabloceratops 🇺🇸 DY-AB-LO-SERA-TOPS Devil horned face Herbivore 🌱 3.5m 1.8m 1.5 tonnes Late Cretaceous ...
Dilophosaurus 🇺🇸 DY-LOF-OH-SAW-RUSS Double crested lizard Carnivore 🥩 6-7m 1.8m 500kg Early Jurassic P...
Dimetrodon 🇺🇸 DY-MET-ROW-DON Two form teeth Carnivore 🥩 3-4m 2.5m 150-250kg Permian period
Dimorphodon 🇬🇧 🇪🇺 DY-MORPH-OH-DON Two form teeth Carnivore 🥩 🐠 1.5m wingspa... 0.5m 2kg Jurassic period
Dinornis 🇳🇿 DYE-NOR-NIS Herbivore 🌱 2m 3.6m 200-250kg Late Pleistocene...
Diplocaulus 🇺🇸 🇿🇦 DIP-LOW-CALL-US Double caul Carnivore 🥩 1m 0.3m 2-4kg Late Carbonifero...
Diplodocus 🇺🇸 DIP-LOW-DO-CUS Double beam Herbivore 🌱 28m 6m 11 tonnes Late Jurassic Pe...
Diprotodon 🇦🇺 die-PROH-toh-don Two Forward Teeth Herbivore 🌱 3.5m 1.8m 2.5 ton Pleistocene Epoc...
Dracoraptor 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 DRAY-CO-RAP-TOR Dragon Thief Carnivore 🥩 2m 1m 25kg Early Jurassic P...
Dracorex 🇺🇸 DRAY-CO-REX Dragon King Herbivore 🌱 2.5m 1m 0.65 tonnes Late Cretaceous ...
Dsungaripterus 🇨🇳 SUN -GAR-EE-PIR-US unggar wing Carnivore 🥩 3.5m wingspa... 1m 2kg Early cretaceous...
Edmontosaurus 🇨🇦 ED-MON-TOE-SAW-RUS Edmonton lizard Herbivore 🌱 9-12m 4m 4-6 Tons Late Cretaceous
Entelodon 🇪🇺 🇺🇸 EN-TELL-OH-DON Complete teeth Omnivore 🥩🌱 3m 1.8m 150kg Middle Eocene
Eoraptor 🇦🇷 EE-OH-RAP-TOR Dawn thief Omnivore 🥩 🌱 1.5m 0.5m 10kg Late Triassic pe...
Erlikosaurus 🇲🇳 🇨🇳 EARL-LICK-OH-SAW-R... Erlik's lizard Herbivore 🌱 3-4m 3m 150-250kg Late cretaceous ...
Euplocephalus 🇺🇸 YOO-OP-LOW-SEF-AH-... Well armoured head Herbivore 🌱 5-7m 2m 2-2.5 ton Late Cretaceous ...
Eurypterus yoo-RIP-teh-rus True Scorpion Carnivore 🥩 1m N/A 1kg Silurian to Devo...
Eustreptospondylus You-STREP-toh-SPON... Well Curved Vertebra Carnivore 🥩 6m 2m 500kg Mid Jurassic per...
Fabrosaurus 🇱🇸 FAB-roh-SAW-rus Fabre's Lizard Herbivore 🌱 1m 1m 10kg Early Jurassic p...
Ferganasaurus 🇰🇬 fur-GAH-nah-sore-u... Fergana Lizard Herbivore 19m 7m 15 tons Mid Jurassic Per...
Fukuiraptor 🇯🇵 FOO-KWEE-RAP-TOR Thief of Fukui Carnivore 🥩 4-5m 2m 0.5 Ton Early Cretaceou...
Gallimimus 🇲🇳 GAL-LEE-MY-MUS Chicken mimic Omnivore 🌱 🥩 6m 2m 200kg Late Cretaceous ...
Gastonia 🇺🇸 GAS-TOE-KNEE-AH Named after its found... Herbivore 🌱 5-6m 2m 2 tonnes Early cretaceous...
Giganotosaurus 🇦🇷 GEE-GA-NO-TOE-SAW-... Giant southern lizard Carnivore 🥩 13m 5m 12-15 tonnes Late Cretaceous ...
Gigantopithecus JI-GANT-OH-PITH-EE... Giant Ape Herbivore 🌱 1m 3m 300kg Pleistocene
Gigantspinosaurus 🇨🇳 JI-GANT-SPINE-OH-S... Giant spined lizard Herbivore 🌱 3-4m 2m 1 Ton Late Jurassic pe...
Glacialisaurus 🇦🇶 GLA-SEE-AL-EE-SAW-... Frozen lizard Omnivore 🌱 🥩 6m 4m 3-5 tonnes Early Jurassic p...
Gojirasaurus 🇺🇸 GO-JEER-AH-SAW-RUS Godzilla lizard Carnivore 🥩 5-6m 2m 150-250kg Middle Triassic ...
Guanglong GWAHNG-long Guangdong Dragon Carnivore 🥩 3m 1.5m 100kg Late Jurassic pe...
Guanglong 🇨🇳 GWAN-LONG Crested dinosaur Carnivore 🥩 3m 1m 125kg Late Jurassic pe...
Hadrosaurus 🇺🇸 HAD-roh-sore-us Bulky Lizard Herbivore 🌱 10m 4m 3 ton Early Cretaceous...
Hatzegopteryx 🇷🇴 HAT-ze-GOP-ter-RIX Hatzeg Wing Carnivore 🥩 10-12m wings... 5-6m 200kg Late Cretaceous ...
Helicoprion 🌍 HEL-EE-COP-REE-ON Spiral saw Carnivore 🥩 🐠 6-7m 2m 40-50kg Early Permian - ...
Herrerasaurus 🇦🇷 HAIR-RARE-OH-SAW-R... Herrera lizard Carnivore 🥩 4-5m 1.8m 350kg Mid Triassic per...
Heterodontosaurus 🇿🇦 HET-ROW-DON-TOE-SA... Different toothed liz... Herbivore 🌱 1.2m 0.8m 6kg Early Jurassic P...
Hypsilophodon 🇬🇧 HIP-sih-LOH-foh-do... High-Crested Tooth Herbivore 🌱 2m 1m 20kg Early Cretaceous...
Ichthyosaurus 🇬🇧 ICH-THEE-OH-SAW Fish lizard Carnivore 🥩 🐠 3-3.5m 1.2m 90kg Early Jurassic p...
Ichthyovenator 🇱🇦 IK-THEE-O-VEN-A-TO... Fish Hunter Carnivore, primarily piscivorous 🐠 🥩 8M 2M 3 Ton Early Cretaceous...
Icthyornis 🇺🇸 IC-THEE-OR-NIS Fish bird Piscivore 🐠 0.5 - 0.9m w... 0.3m 250g Late Cretaceous ...
Iguanodon 🇬🇧 🇪🇺 IG-WAN-OH-DON Iguana tooth Herbivore 🌱 9m 3m 4-5 tonnes Late Jurassic Pe...
Incisivosaurus 🇨🇳 in-SIZE-ih-voh-sor... Incisor Lizard Omnivore 🥩 🌱 1m 0.5m 2kg Early Cretaceous...
Irritator 🇧🇷 IR-EE-TA-TOR One that irritates Carnivore 🥩 6-8m 2m 1 Ton Early Cretaceous...
Issi Saaneq 🇬🇱 IS-EE-SAN-EEK Cold bone Herbivore 🌱 3-10m 1.8m 0.3 - 1 ton Late Triassic pe...
Jakapil 🇦🇷 JACK-AH-PILL Sheild bearer Herbivore 🌱 1.5m 0.5m 9-15lb Early Cretaceous...
Jingshanosaurus 🇨🇳 jing-SHAN-oh-sore-... Jingshan Lizard Herbivore 🌱 5m 2.5m 1.5 ton Early Jurassic p...
Juravenator 🇩🇪 YOO-rah-veh-NAY-to... Jurassic Hunte carnivore 🥩 1.5m 0.5m 10kg Late Jurassic pe...
Kentrosaurus 🇹🇿 KEN-TRO-SAW-RUSS Sharp lizard Herbivore 🌱 4m 1.5m 1.5-3 tonnes Late Jurassic Pe...
Khaan 🇲🇳 KAHN King Omnivore 🥩 🌱 1m 2m 40kg Late Cretaceous ...
Kosmoceratops 🇺🇸 KOS-MO-SERA-TOPS Ornate horned face Herbivore 🌱 5m 1.8m 1-2 tonnes Late Cretaceous ...
Kotasaurus 🇮🇳 koh-tah-SORE-us Kota Lizard Herbivore 🌱 11m 3.5m 6 ton Late Jurassic pe...
Kritosaurus 🇺🇸 KRIT-oh-sore-us Judgment Lizard herbivore 🌱 8m 2.5m 4 ton Late Cretaceous ...
Lilensternus 🇩🇪 lee-len-STERN-us Lilen's Stern carnivore 🥩 5m 1.5m 75kg Late Jurassic pe...
Liploeurodon LIE-PLEW-ROW-DON Smooth-sided tooth Carnivore 🥩🐠 9m 1-2m 1-1.5 tonnes Mid to Late jura...
Longisquama 🌏 LONG-EE-SKWA-MAH. Long scales Insectivore 🪲 20cm 20cm Unknown Mid-Late triassi...
Lophostropheus 🇹🇿 loh-foh-STROH-fee... Crested Beam herbivore 🌱 5m 2m 1 ton Late Cretaceous ...
Magnosaurus 🇬🇧 MAG-no-sore-us Great Lizard Herbivore 🌱 9m 3m 2.5 ton Early Cretaceous...
Maiasaura 🇺🇸 MIA-SAW-RA Good mother lizard Herbivore 🌱 8m 3m 4 tonnes Late cretaceous ...
Maip 🇦🇷 MY-EPP The shadow of death Carnivore 🥩 9m 2.5m 5 tonnes Late cretaceous ...
Majungasaurus 🇲🇬 MA-JUNG-GA-SAW-RUS Mahajanga lizard Carnivore 🥩 7-8M 2-3M 1 Ton Late Cretaceous ...
Mamenchisaurus 🇨🇳 MA-MEN-CHI-SAW-RUS Mamenchi lizard Herbivore 🌱 25m 15m 25-30 tonnes Late Jurassic pe...
Massospondylus 🇿🇦 MASS-OH-SPON-DEE-L... Massive vertebrae Herbivore 🌱 4-6m 5ft 1 Ton Early Triassic
Mastodon 🇺🇸 MASS-TOE-DON Breast tooth Herbivore 🌱 6m 2-3m 6 tonnes Early Miocene - ...
Mbiresaurus 🇿🇼 m-BEE-reh-sore-us Mbire Lizard Herbivore 🌱 4m 2m 0.8 ton Early Cretaceous...
Megaloceros 🇮🇪 MEGA-LOW-SER-OS Giant horn Herbivore 🌱 3-4m 3.5-4m 500-600kg Pleistocene and ...
Megalodon 🇺🇸 🌍 MEG-AH-LOW-DON Big tooth Carnivore 🥩 🐠 15-18m 3m 45 tonnes Early Miocene to...
Megalosaurus 🇬🇧 meg-ah-LOH-sore-us Great Lizard Carnivore 🥩 8m 3m 1 ton Middle Jurassic ...
Meganeuropsis 🇺🇸 MEGA-NEW-ROP-SIS Big distress Carnivore 🥩 🪲 1m-1.3m wing... 1m 420g Late Carbonifero...
Megatherium 🇺🇾 🇧🇴 MEGA-THEE-REE-UM Huge beast Herbivore 🌱 6m 4m 4 tonnes Early Pliocene t...
Meraxes 🇦🇷 meh-RAX-es Meraxes carnivore 🥩 9m 3m 4 ton Late Cretaceous ...
Microceratus 🇨🇳 MIKE-ROW-SER-AT-US Small horned Herbivore 🌱 0.5m 0.3m 3-10kg Cretacious perio...
Microraptor 🇲🇳 MY-CRO-RAP-TOR Small thief Carnivore 🥩 1m 0.5m 1-3lb Early Cretaceous...
Minmi 🇦🇺 MIN-MEE Minmi crossing Herbivore 🌱 3m 1m 300kg Early Cretaceous...
Moanasaurus 🇳🇿 MOW-ANN-AH-SAW-RUS Sea lizard Carnivore 🥩 🐠 5-6m 2m 15 tonnes Cretaceous Perio...
Mosasaurus 🇺🇸 🇪🇺 🇿🇦 🌏 MO-SAR-SAW-RUS Meuse lizard Carnivore 🥩 🐠 17m 2.5m 10 Tonnes Cretaceous perio...
Nanotyrannus 🇺🇸 NA-NO-TIE-RAN-US Dwarf tyrant Carnivore 🥩 5m 2m 900kg Late Cretaceous ...
Nanuqsaurus 🇺🇸 ❄️ NA-NUKE-SAW-RUS Polar bear lizard Carnivore 🥩 6-7m 2-2.5m 0.8-1.6 Ton Late Cretaceous ...
Neovenator 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 nee-oh-VEN-ah-tor New Hunter Carnivore 🥩 6m 2m 0.7 ton Early Cretaceous...
Nigersaurus 🇳🇪 NI-GER-SAW-RUS Niger lizard Herbivore 🌱 9m 3m 2 - 4 tonnes Middle Cretaceou...
Nyctosaurus 🇺🇸 NIKE-TO-SAW-RUS Night lizard Piscivore 🐠 2m wingspan 1m 1,8kg Late cretaceous ...
Ornithocheirus 🇿🇦 🇦🇺 🇪🇺 OR-NEE-THO-CARE-EE... Bird hand Piscivore 🐠 5m wingspan 1.7m 20kg Jurassic to late...
Ouranosaurus 🇿🇦 OR-RAN-OH-SAW-RUS Brave lizard Herbivore 🌱 7-8m 3m 20 tonnes Early cretaceous...
Oviraptor 🇲🇳 🇨🇳 OH-VEE-RAP-TOR Egg thief Omnivore 🥩 🌱 1.8m 1m 25-30kg Late Cretaceous ...
Ozraptor 🇦🇺 OZ-RAP-TOR Australian thief Carnivore 🥩 2m 1m 45kg Middle Jurassic ...
Pachycephalosaurus 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 PAK-EE-SEF-AH-LOW-... Thick headed lizard Herbivore 🌱 4-5m 1.8m 0.5 Ton Late Cretaceous
Pachyrhinosaurus 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 PAK-EE-RIE-NO-SAW-... Thick nosed lizard Herbivore 🌱 5-8m 3-4m 2-4 tonnes Late Cretaceous ...
Palaeoloxodo 🇪🇺 PALE-EE-OHLOX-OH-D... traight-tusked elepha... Herbivore 🌱 5m 5m 10 tonnes Middle–Late Plei...
Pantydraco 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 pan-tee-DRAH-koh Panty Dragon herbivore 🌱 3m 1.5m 500kg Early Jurassic p...
Paraceratherium🇨🇳🇮🇳🇹🇷 PARA-SERA-THEE-REE... Near the hornless bea... Herbivore 🌱 7m 5-6m 15-20 tonnes Late Oligocene a...
Paralitherizinosaurus 🇯🇵 PA-RALY-THERE-RE-K... Tidal Scythe lizard Herbivore 🌱 3m 2.5m 1-2 tonnes Late Cretaceous ...
Parasaurolophus 🇺🇸 PARA-SOR-ROL-OH-FU... Near crested lizard Herbivore 🌱 9m 3.5m 2-4 tonnes Late Cretaceous ...
Patagotitan 🇦🇷 PAT-AH-GO-TIE-TAN Titan from Patgonia Herbivore 🌱 38m 12m 70 Tonnes Late Cretaceous ...
Pentaceratops 🇺🇸 PEN-TA-SERA-TOPS Five horned face Herbivore 🌱 6m 4m 4-5 tonnes Late Cretaceous ...
Perucetus 🇵🇪 peh-roo-KAY-tus Peru Whale Carnivore 🥩🐠 15m N/A 10 ton Late Eocene peri...
Phiomicetus 🇪🇬 fye-oh-MY-seh-tus Whale from Egypt Carnivore (likely a marine predator) 10m N/A 5 TON Late Eocene peri...
Phorusrhacids (Terror bird) 🇧🇷 FOUR-ASS-RA-SIDS Very long Carnivore 🥩 2m 3m 130kg Cenozoic era
Plateosaurus 🇪🇺 PLAT-EE-OH-SAW-RUS Broad lizard Herbivore 🌱 8m 3m 2-4 tonnes Late Triassic pe...
Podokesaurus 🇺🇸 poh-DOH-keh-SORE-u... Foot Lizard Carnivore 🥩 3-4m 1m 100kg Early Jurassic p...
Postosuchus 🇺🇸 POST-OH-SUE-CUS Crocodile from Post Carnivore 🥩 4m 1m 250-300kg Late Triassic pe...
Protoceratops 🇲🇳 🇨🇳 PRO-TOE-SERA-TOPS First horned face Herbivore 🌱 2m 0.9m 225kg Late cretaceous ...
Psittacosaurus 🇨🇳 SIT-AC-OH-SAW-RUS Parrot lizard Herbivore 🌱 2m 0.8m 50-100kg Early Cretaceous...
Pteranodon 🇺🇸 TER-RAN-OH-DON Toothless wing Carnivore 🥩 🐠 5-6m wingspa... 2m 25kg Late Cretaceous ...
Pterodaustro TER-OH-DOS-TRO South wing Piscivore 🐠 2.5m wingspa... 1m 4-5kg Early cretaceous...
Quetzalcoatlus 🇺🇸 KWET-ZAL-CO-AT-LUS Named after Aztec fea... Carnivore 🥩 10m wingspan 4m 200-250kg Late Cretaceous ...
Rajasaurus 🇮🇳 RA-JA-SAW-RUS Princely lizard Carnivore 🥩 5m 3.5m 1-3 tonnes Late Cretaceous ...
Ranger Chris 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Chris Head Ranger Omnivore Private 1.8m Unknown Present
Rhamphorhynchus 🇪🇸 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 RAM-FO-RING-CUS Beak snout Carnivore 🥩 🐠 2m wingspan 0.6m 100g Jurassic period
Rugops 🇳🇪 RUG-OPS Wrinkle face Carnivore 🥩 6m 2m 500-750kg Late cretaceous ...
Sarcosuchus SAR-CO-SUE-CUS Flesh crocodile Carnivore 🥩 9-10m 1.8m 3-4 tonnes Early Cretaceous...
Sauroniops 🇲🇦 saw-ROH-nee-ops Eye of Sauron Carnivore 🥩 7m 3m 1.5 ton Late Cretaceous ...
Sauropelta 🇺🇸 SAW-RO-PEL-TA Sheild lizard Herbivore 🌱 5.2m 1.5m 1.5 ton Early Cretaceous...
Shringasaurus 🇮🇳 SHH-RING-AH-SAW-RU... Horned lizard Herbivore 🌱 3-4m 1m 400kg Middle Triassic ...
Sinosauropteryx 🇨🇳 SI-NO-SAW-OP-TER-R... Chinese lizard wing Carnivore 🥩 1m 0.5m 0.5kg Early Cretaceous...
Smilodon SMI-LOW-DON Knife tooth Carnivore 🥩 2m 1m 200kg Pliocene and Ple...
Spinosaurus 🇪🇬 SPY-NO-SAW-RUSS Spine lizard Carnivore 🥩 🐠 14m 6m 14-20 tonnes Late Cretaceous ...
Stegoceras 🇨🇦 STEG-OH-SER-ASS Roof horn Herbivore 🌱 2 - 2.5m 0.8m 10-40kg Late cretaceous ...
Stegosaurus 🇺🇸 🇪🇺 STEG-OH-SAW-RUS Roof lizard Herbivore 🌱 6-9m 4m 5 tonnes Late Jurassic Pe...
Struthiomimus 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 STRU-THEE-OH-MY-MU... Ostrich mimic Omnivore 🥩 🌱 4-5m 2m 150kg Late cretaceous ...
Stygimoloch 🇺🇸 STIJ-EE-MOL-OC River Styx Demon Herbivore 🌱 3m 1.2m 3-4 stone Late Cretaceous
Styracosaurus STY-RACK-OH-SAW-RU... Spiked lizard Herbivore 🌱 5m 2.5m 2 - 3 tonnes Cretaceous Perio...
Suchomimus SUE-CO-MY-MUS Crocodile mimic Carnivore 🥩 11m 3m 3-4 tonnes Early cretaceous...
Tachiraptor 🇻🇪 tah-kee-RAP-tor Swift Thief Carnivore 🥩 3m 1m 100kg Late Cretaceous ...
Tanystropheus TAN-EE-STROW-FEE-U... Long necked one Carnivore 🥩 🐠 6m 1m 140kg Mid-Late triassi...
Tapejara 🇧🇷 TAP-EE-JAR-RA The old being Omnivore 🥩 🌱 🪲 1m-1.3m wing... 1m 420g Early cretaceous...
Tarbosaurus 🇨🇳 TAR-BOW-SAW-RUS Alarming lizard Carnivore 🥩 10m 4m 5 tonnes Late cretaceous ...
Tarchia 🇲🇳 TAR-KEY-AH Brainy one Herbivore 🌱 8m 2m 2-3 tonnes Late cretaceous ...
Telmatosaurus 🇷🇴 tel-MAT-oh-SORE-us Swamp Lizard Herbivore 🌱 6m 2m 2 ton Late Cretaceous ...
Tethyshadros 🇮🇹 teh-thee-SHAH-droh... Tethys' Hadrosaur herbivore 🌱 8m 2m 3 ton Late Cretaceous...
Thanos Simonattoi 🇧🇷 THAN-OS Death Carnivore 🥩 5m 1.6m 4-5 tonnes Late Cretaceous ...
Therizinosaurus 🇨🇳 🇲🇳 THER-IH-ZINE-OH-SA... Scythe lizard Herbivore 🌱 12 6m 5 tonnes Late Cretaceous ...
Titanoboa 🇨🇴 TIE-TAN-OH-BO-AH Titanic boa Carnivore 🥩 13m 1.2m 1.2 ton Paleocene
Torosaurus 🇺🇸 TORO-SAW-RUS Bull lizard Herbivore 🌱 7m 2m 4-6 tonnes Late cretaceous ...
Transylvanosaurus 🇷🇴 tran-syl-VAH-no-so... Transylvanian Lizard Herbivore 🌱 5m 1.5m 1 ton Late Cretaceous...
Triceratops 🇺🇸 TRY-SERA-TOPS Three horned face Herbivore 🌱 9m 4m 7-11 tonnes Late cretaceous ...
Troodon 🇺🇸 TROO-OH-DON Wounding tooth Carnivore 🥩 2.4m 0.9m 50kg Late Cretaceous ...
Tyrannosaurus Rex 🇺🇸 TIE-RAN-OH-SAW-RUS... Tyrant lizard king Carnivore 🥩 12-14m 5-6m 5-8 tonnes Late Cretaceous ...
Utahraptor 🇺🇸 YOU-TA-RAP-TOR Utah thief Carnivore 🥩 4m 1.8m 0.4 - 1 Ton Early cretaceous...
Velociraptor 🇲🇳 🇨🇳 VEL-OH-CEE-RAP-TOR Swift thief Carnivore 🥩 1.8m 1m 45kg Late Cretaceous ...
Volgatitan 🇷🇺 VOL-GA-TY-TAN Volga giant Herbivore 🌱 16-20m 8-10m 17-20 tonnes Early Cretaceous...
Wendiceretops 🇨🇦 WEN-DEE-SERA-TOPS Wendy's horned face Herbivore 🌱 6m 2m 1-2 tonnes Late cretaceous ...
Woolly Rhino 🇷🇺 WOOL-EE-RYE-NO Woolly rhinoceros Herbivore 🌱 5m 2m 3.5 tonnes Pliocene and Pl...
Woolly mammoth 🇺🇸 🇪🇺 🇨🇳 WOOL-EE-MAM-MOTH Heavy coated mammoth Herbivore 🌱 6m 4m 4-6 Tons Pleistocene to ...
Wuerhosaurus 🇲🇳 WOO-EHR-HO-SAW-RUS lizard from Wuerho Herbivore 🌱 7m 3m 4 tonnes Early cretaceous...
Xenoceratops 🇨🇦 ZEEN-OH-SERA-TOPS Alien horned face Herbivore 🌱 6m 3.5m 2 tonnes Late cretaceous ...
Yi Qi 🇨🇳 YEE-KWEE Strange wing Carnivore 🥩 0.4m 0.2m 400 gramms Late Jurassic
Yutyrannus 🇨🇳 YOU-TAW-RAN-US Feathered Tyrant Carnivore 🥩 9m 3m 1.5 ton Early Cretaceous...
Yuxisaurus 🇨🇳 yoo-SHEE-sore-us Yuxi Lizard herbivore 4m 1m 500kg Early Cretaceous...
Zuniceretops 🇺🇸 ZOON-EE-SERA-TOPS Zuni-horned face Herbivore 🌱 2-3m 1.5m 100-200kg Late cretaceous ...